Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ain't No Party Like A Liver Biopsy Party

Actually there is no party about it. Don't do it. Ever.

There is no ifs ands or butts, a liver biopsy is going to hurt like heck.

Before I get into anything, I must say, a friend sent me a photo the morning of the biopsy that was probably the only thing that could have put a smile on my face knowing what I had to go in for...and it is his most perfectly adorable pug Lydia!!

Its nice to have that day over and past though. I actually don't really want to even go back into describing it, but needless to say, the procedure was a really unpleasant one and the rest of the day was sort of a lost day because I was sick from the sedatives and in a lot of pain from needles mussing with my liver.

I tried to put on a smile before I went in for the procedure but I know this one looks a bit fake:

Today is a new day! Today was Brain MRI  Day. Wheeee. Much easier to deal with. I just had to sit inside of a MRI machine for like a half hour that vibrated like a bad massage chair. I might have lost a few brain cells in the process, but it was pain free (even the injection was no big deal). I will hopefully have results from that test  tomorrow when I meet with my oncologist after chemo.

Nic's parents are coming into town today! So that will be really awesome to see Mary and Joe :) They'll be here for a little while and get to get in on the super awesome shindig that is chemo fridays.

super important piece of info: CAT SHOW THIS WEEKEND!
hahaha... yess! As long as my bloodwork comes back with happy white blood cell counts, I'm allowed to go :) My goal is to vend, so hopefully chemo doesn't wipe me out too much. If I am tired from it, I will at least go and try to hang out all day both days, probably to the annoyance of my friends :) We all know that cat shows are one of my favorite activities in the world so I hope everything works out well. So anyone who is around and loves cats, the show is this weekend at the TIMONIUM FAIR GROUNDS! There will be lots of awesome people and awesome kitties and it'll just be an all around good time. Come support me, my friends, whatever :)

I've also been working on cleaning my room. I'm going to try to make things a little more zen around here. If you know me and my bedroom, you know that i'm slightly borderline hoarder status (mostly because of my fabrics). Nic has been helping me tremendously on an organizational system, and my mom is giving us her office for my new sewing room! Beyond generous!

Anyway, today is a good day, and I'm hyper, probably because I'm back on the dexamethasone for four days. I'm going to take advantage of the energy cause i'm sure I'll lose a step after chemo again.

Anyway, i'm going to go play with Pierre and Biko for a bit. I love all you guys and I'm sure I'll have some more to write post chemo.


here is a photo of Pierre, Zeus, and Apollo to brighten your day. They know how to relax and be zen.

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